Lifecare Alliance and NetJets

Request: Mobile devices to eliminate paperwork and increase ease of home deliveries
Donor: NetJets | Donation: 250 iPad 2s
LifeCare Alliance is an organization that reaches the homes of over 10,000 elderly or infirmed members of the community across three counties with a team of volunteers almost equal to the number of people they serve. With numbers like these, a modern organization relies heavily on mobile devices for coordination. Bringing on technology in these quantities is a financial burden no not-for-profit can shoulder. LifeCare Alliance needed help.
So, when NetJets was looking to donate their pilots’ iPads, LifeCare was overjoyed to receive the generous gift. 250 iPad 2s were delivered to LifeCare in mid-January, bringing the New Year in with jet-fueled flair.
The Good that was done:
Thanks to NetJets’ generosity, The LifeCare Alliance can operate with more efficiency, more communication, and even more accuracy. Using the diagnostic tools available to iPads, they’ve been able to facilitate better care to the recipients than ever before. The nearly $30,000 donation has allowed LifeCare Alliance to continue their non-profit work that ultimately saves central Ohio taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars each year.
NetJets wanted to be good stewards of their pilots’ iPads. Since they replace these devices every 2 years for safety reasons, NetJets had over 2,000 devices to deal with. Sage offered the donation route as a worthwhile and community-minded way of offloading electronic devices without harming the environment.