Role models are the secret to diversity in STEM

General opinion may be changing for the better, but there are still roadblocks women everywhere face with gaining a much-needed foothold in business. And as those opinions change, the roadblocks remaining point to the women themselves as what’s creating resistance.
A huge factor in this stinted growth is that there just aren’t enough good role models for young women to look up to. Between cattiness in the upper ranks and a shocking lack of women in key industries, young women are left to their own imagination as to what an empowered woman really looks like—especially in the STEM fields. STEM in particular is in desperate need of female expertise. And, as a women-owned business in that field, we have a particular interest in this conversation.
At Sage, over 50% of the roles are filled by women. How did this happen? It’s partly because Sage’s president is female and has been a mentor to a number of these women. But even this shift wasn’t accidental. Everything, from the CEO being committed to diversity and opportunity down to eliminating biases in employee review processes, makes this an intentionally diverse environment.
At the end of the day, we can give every opportunity for these young women to move in the ranks, but if there just aren’t very many examples to go off of, what is their motivation to advance? It’s up to women everywhere to fill these roles and give our future generation a good and solid example of what empowered women are supposed to look like.