Arc of Ohio

For people with an intellectual and or a developmental disability (IDD), a household without technology can be a home without a connection to the outside world. Basic needs such as education, banking, shopping, scheduling, resources, and connective communications are essential to get by in this fast-moving world.
The Arc of Ohio is a nonprofit organization that was established over 50 years ago to improve the lives of people with IDD, from legislative advocacy to learning how to balance a checkbook. For people who experience IDD, traversing the world can feel like a secret society with no black and white solution and the Arc of Ohio is there to support.
Recently Charles Schwab stepped in and provided an answer for connecting these people in need. Through Sage’s Good Together program over 400 desktop systems were made available to the Arc of Ohio. This donation has already had such a positive impact for patrons and their families across Ohio. During the pandemic, when we were all living in a locked down environment, having access to technology was crucial to continue remote working, learning, and interacting within society. Unfortunately, because of the digital divide, some families were not able to afford that technology and many students fell behind in their studies.
As shown is a full desktop setup, desktop, monitor, keyboard and mouse, donated by Schwab that a student is using to access schoolwork, individualized education program, and the Arc of Ohio growth system.
The benefit of this donation continues to grow, as systems are also being routed to Canton, Ohio to be used by adult students who will utilize this technology to gain employment in the community. This technology can also serve as a communication aid depending on each person’s need with the installation of specific software, whether it is reading them their messages, or helping them compose messages to their contacts.
As David Lewis Vice President to the Arc of Ohio stated, “families can feel very alone, but these computers will act as the connecting thread to start that adhesive involvement.” Children, families, and those with any form of disability, should never be left behind in learning or education, because of not being able to afford what has become essential. It is with the recent generosity of Charles Schwab that this mission continues to positively impact the needs of more people and families.
If you are interested in donation to the Arc of Ohio, contact Sage Sustainable Electronics.